Friday, 16 January 2015

Experimental Film - Reflective Analysis "It's just a chair"

Myself and two others set out to create an experimental film piece with the message of 'you may be perceiving things not as they are'. We shot a mixture of film and still shots all with an ambiguous nature as to what they are. 
The opening shot is a low shot of a round ceiling light where, when it's first looked at on a photograph (with editing of colour distortion etc), looks like the moon. We also included a photograph of a model eyeball to represent the main feature of the film- it plays tricks on the eyes. We included some images which weren't necessarily ambiguous in the object's nature but the image had been distorted to allow the audience to question what they are seeing. For example there is an image of a corridor which has been flipped and rendered black and white with manipulation to the contrast. When looking at this image it seems as though we are seeing walls outside and the night sky. 
We included a collection of facetious music to really ensure the audience feels quite uncomfortable and confused to accompany the unorthodox compilation of images and film.